The TerraCaptus Landscape Map is designed to deliver deep insights on IP strategy across the enterprise.
It is the first true patent map adapted to permit user definition of layout, distribution of assets, and ranking of each asset (e.g., patent strength, relevance to product lines, litigation risk, etc.).
You can sign-up for a 14-day trial now, or learn more about the features that make the TerraCaptus Landscape Map a uniquely powerful tool for IP analysis. (Keep Scrolling! )
The TerraCaptus Landscape Map is focused on authorship, whereas most other tools on the market depend heavily on automation. With the TC Landscape Map, you remain fully in control of producing a document that best represents the technology landscape in which you operate.
In part due to the complexity and vast quantity of patent information, other tools attempt to fully automate the process of constructing the layout of IP maps. While these tools can rapidly produce images, the value of the automated analysis is often quite low without significant post-processing.
The TerraCaptus Landscape Map provides the tools you require to author a highly representative document, while also applying automated processes where appropriate. For example, the TerraCaptus asset attribute search enables you to search the USPTO for patent attributes to automatically populate map tooltips and other support operations.
You can either follow standardized classification systems such as the USPTO or CPC schemes, or develop one specific to your understanding of any particular technology.
Anyone familiar with the CPC, USPTO or other patent office classification systems knows that these schemes rarely represent product lines and business applications of technology in a useful or intuitive way. For example, while the USPTO's "5/727 : Sectional with regard to firmness" is a passable description for a category, perhaps "Mattress Support" would be a more useful label. Or, better yet, how about a category label associated with a product line such as "ProSleep™"!
More precise categorization produces a more meaningful IP Map; one that is more easily understood across legal and management roles. The TerraCaptus Map enables the production of IP maps that offer greater value to key stakeholders and decision makers responsible for corporate strategy.
TerraCaptus provides fine-grained control over the placement and ranking of individual patent assets on the landscape map. The TerraCaptus Landscape Map is the only IP mapping tool that allows the user to specify a value for the relative strength of a patent asset.
Other maps automatically place patents on the canvas based on opaque or naive metrics such as forward or reverse citation analysis and so on. "Peaks & Valleys" drawn without clear and defensible reasoning for the structure only produce pretty pictures.
The TerraCaptus Map enables precise positioning of each asset to quickly reflect key attributes including the patent's relative strength based on criteria that you specify. The TC Map also provides symbology that can be used to indicate ownership. These features together allow you to author maps that can compare the relative strength of patents held by different assignees. The result is a highly robust competitive analysis driven entirely by a transparent methodology.
All plans include 24x7 email support. The Gold and Platinum plans also provide 8x5 phone support.
Contact Us to discuss consulting engagements with our legal partners who can provide in-depth guidance on assessment of your patent portfolio.
TerraCaptus is an IP broker services provider. Our proprietary suite of data-analytics mine private and public sources to quantify the economic value of IP assets, and also identify the parties most likely to maximize that value. In addition to private party negotiation, TerraCaptus also provides an online auction platform for public auction of IP assets. TC has successfully represented and monetized portfolios for private and publicly held corporations, non-practicing entities, and tech-transfer units of universities.
In addition to our monetization services, we now promote the tools and techniques we use internally for asset valuation and market analysis. The TerraCaptus Map was developed based on extensive direct experience working with IP analysis tools, as well as collecting feedback from IP practitioners and management stakeholders on their needs and frustrations with existing solutions.
Contact Us to learn more about TerraCaptus' IP informatics offerings, and to discuss how we can help you make better decisions on IP.